The Collaborative of Native Nations for Climate Transformation and Stewardship (CNNCTS) was highlighted on KPBS’ Midday Edition, as an example of how Indigenous stewardship is advancing climate change efforts. Hear Althea Walker, CNNCTS project lead, share more about the collaborative led by San Diego State University and Climate Science Alliance.

In November 2023, KPBS’ Midday Edition interviewed Althea Walker, CNNCTS project lead and Co-Director and Community Resilience Lead of the Climate Science Alliance, about the Collaborative of Native Nations for Climate Transformation and Stewardship (CNNCTS) project as part of their episode on “Indigenous stewardship helps climate change efforts”. The interview starts at 33:09—the clip is available for listening below.
Thank you to KPBS and Althea Walker for sharing the story of our collaborative efforts!